Music and Lyrics by Michael Riser

Better To Live With Nothing

“Better To Live With Nothing”

Music by: Michael Riser
Lyrics by: Michael Riser

Thinking back in time, to days when I was just a little guy
My Mom took me aside, looked me in the eyes and said, to have a happy life
Take it all in stride, I know you’re full of pride, but son you’ll find
wealth disappear right quick in a New York minute, the real trick’s to have peace within

Better to live, with nothing, grateful for all that you’ve got
Better to live, with nothing, ‘cause nothing can be more than enough
When the world makes you choose between things that confuse you, better to be humble than not
Better to live that way, than be saddled with stuff

I turn on CNN, the market’s going up and down again
If you lose or win, you better understand your funny money’s just pretend
Whether bull or bear, confident or scared, remember this
nobody ever learned how to take it with ‘em, inside the box that they end up in

Better to live, with nothing, grateful for all that you’ve got
Better to live, with nothing, ‘cause nothing can be more than enough
When the world makes you choose between things that confuse you, better to be humble than not
Better to live that way, than be saddled with stuff

 I still hear, the words that I’ve been told
she’s still near, and those lessons I still hold, ‘cause they’re worth more to me than gold

Better to live, with nothing, grateful for all that you’ve got
Better to live, with nothing, ‘cause nothing can be more than enough
When the world makes you choose between things that confuse you, better to be humble than not
Better to live that way, than be saddled with stuff

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